This Saturday November 24th at Jimmy's all season angler in Idaho Falls one of our shop guys Brandon Morrison will be doing a fly tying demo from 10-1. He will be tying flies for targeting fish below American Falls reservoir on the snake river. Effective streamer patterns for trout and bass and how to fish them in the fall and spring months. Also see some bugs for targeting carp and a balanced leech variations that are great for the winter fishery.
For more information on this demo give the shop a ring at (208) 904-3900 or swing by the shop. Also more information on Jimmy's website. Hope to see you there!
The long cut minnow is becoming a staple in our streamer arsenal for the snake river below American falls, South Fork of the snake, and above American Falls Reservoir due to its effectiveness and simplicity. This streamer pattern allows you to put a very realistic bug in the water without spending hours on the vise. Great profile and movement along with durability due to it being 100% synthetic materials. Whether you are targeting Small mouth Bass or chasing that trout of a life time on sections of the Snake River we feel confident with this bug hanging off the tip of our rods. Great bug choice for swinging through runs or blind casting and searching for that big fish. Fly... The Balanced Chironomid has been absolutely lethal the past couple weeks. While setting up your indicator rigs for Henry's lake, Daniels reservoir, and Hawkins reservoir you should defiantly have this balanced leech variation hanging below. The red color along with black and purple variations have been crushing fish. This pattern has also been great on the snake river below American Falls. This bug paired with your favorite caddis nymph has been a game changer. Don't have the materials? No worries there Snake River Fly has you covered. Material List: Hook: #8 90 or 60 degree jig hook Finish nail for balanced extension Bead: 1/8 Silver or black Shuck: Darlon in White Body: Red 140 D thread and Semper Fli...
The holiday season is approaching fast and Snake River Fly has you covered. We will be offering 10% off all gift certificate purchases up until Christmas. This is a great option for the guy or gal that has everything.
We will also be doing custom fly boxes filled with bugs that we personal use and have confidence in everyday. whether you are fishing the snake below American Falls, the south fork of the snake, Henry's fork, or where ever your fishy adventures take you these flies will get the job done! For any more in-depth questions don't hesitate to swing by or give us a ring at (208) 904-3900.
The Bull Whip is hands down our favorite San Juan worm variation and for good reason. Large profile, super durable, and big fish flat out munch these things. We have kits available at the shop or call us and we can ship one out to you. Each kit includes enough material to tie 25 of em! A must for anywhere you fish worms especially the Snake river in our neck of the woods. You can find the fly tying tutorial on our YouTube channel as well as some variations (link Below) Find the materials in our shop or on the site and whip a few up. This is a for sure confidence pattern for all of us at SRF while...