Bull Whip Worm Fly Tying kits

IMG_8151 The Bull Whip is hands down our favorite San Juan worm variation and for good reason. Large profile, super durable, and big fish flat out munch these things. We have kits available at the shop or call us and we can ship one out to you. Each kit includes enough material to tie 25 of em! A must for anywhere you fish worms especially the Snake river in our neck of the woods.

You can find the fly tying tutorial on our YouTube channel as well as some variations (link Below) Find the materials in our shop or on the site and whip a few up. This is a for sure confidence pattern for all of us at SRF while hunting the big ones! For more in-depth questions give the shop a ring at (208) 904-3900. Happy tying and best fishes! 

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