Fly Tying Tutorials RSS

Larry's Double Bunny Streamer Fly Tying Tutorial

Scott Sanchez and Carter Andrews tied and fished the OG Double Bunny in the famous Jackson Hole One Fly event, winning two years in a row. The next year there were new rules to prevent a third win most likely. The original pattern was a size 2 or 4 long shank hook with some lead eyes and a couple rabbit strips. It was an amazing big fish bug and still is. I was fortunate enough to have grown up fishing and guiding the Snake and loved fishing large, heavy double bunny patterns with a floating line and 9-12ft leaders. It is a deadly technique for targeting fish in ambush and holding lies that can hold big fish. The heavy eyes...

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Chan's Ruby Balanced Leech fly tying tutorial

Brain Chan is a Stillwater wizard and his flies flat out catch fish. Balanced leeches originally designed for lake fishing have been very effective for the targeting big river trout. Material List: Hook: Masu J1 or J2 #8 Bead: 4mm copper bead & Large ruby red glass bead Tail: Olive or olive brown marabou Flash: Uv gold krinklezon Body: Club dub red's olive Pin: Balanced leech pin

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Soggy Stone dry fly tying tutorial | low riding stone fly for picky fish

Fishing Stonefly hatches has to be one of the best reasons to fish out West. Rivers like the Madison, The Henrys Fork and The South Fork of the Snake are all great destinations with great Stonefly Hatches. The fish in these rivers see a lot of flies over their heads every season and hot flies quickly become common and fish begin to get pretty picky. This is a good reason to carry a variety of different patterns when the hatch gets rolling. The Soggy Stone takes advantage of some great modern materials to create a very effective, Low riding, realistic Stonefly Adult. Our Barbed Elasticore comes in many colors and creates a super durable fly. Material List: Hook: #10 bent...

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Chaos beetle fly tying tutorial | smallmouth bass to pyramid lake cutthroats

Popcorn beetles are a killer option for fishing sink lines to help keep your fly off the bottom and in the zone. From pyramid lake to smallmouth fishing on the snake this fly is always on the menu. Material List: Hook: B1 #4 or #6 streamer hook Tail: Chartreuse marabou Foam: 9mm boobie tube Body: Chartreuse chaos dubbing

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Hollow Rainbow streamer fly tying tutorial

The hollow perch clouser have been a great streamer for large trout and smallmouth bass. We have been tinkering with new color combinations since then and have found a few more winners. Material List: Hook: Masu SL #4 or Masu B1 #4 Body: Hydro hackle Pastel Pink Wing: Forest blaze Krinklezon Belly: UV silver and pearl Krinklezon Eyes: Medium Brass eyes

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