Scott Sanchez and Carter Andrews tied and fished the OG Double Bunny in the famous Jackson Hole One Fly event, winning two years in a row. The next year there were new rules to prevent a third win most likely. The original pattern was a size 2 or 4 long shank hook with some lead eyes and a couple rabbit strips. It was an amazing big fish bug and still is. I was fortunate enough to have grown up fishing and guiding the Snake and loved fishing large, heavy double bunny patterns with a floating line and 9-12ft leaders. It is a deadly technique for targeting fish in ambush and holding lies that can hold big fish. The heavy eyes are there for this technique, allowing the bug to sink fast into the strike zone. The dry line and long leader allow the angler to "jig" the fly up down and side to side with the combination of mending, rod tip and stripping. This creates the kinds of movements that can trigger immediate strikes as well as keep the fly in those "pockets" the big fish call home. This set up and technique can be a great alternative to heavy sink lines and unweighted flies. I use both but prefer the dryline most of the time when float fishing faster rivers. Kelly refers to this style as "Vertical Jigging" in chapter 4 of his second streamer book. Our double bunny combines some real rabbit as well as some synthetic of course. Its just the way we do it here at SRF.
Larry's Double Bunny Streamer Fly Tying Tutorial
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