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Masu Easy Worm fly tying tutorial

Don't know if we can really call this one "fly tying" haha but never mind that because this is a super simple bug that flat out catches fish. We have talked about the masu worm material a lot and for good reason. Better color selection, tapered, and way stronger than other similar products. Fill your worm box fast with this one. Materials list: Hook: Masu S5 #12 Bead: 3.5 Counter sunk tungsten bead Body: Masu Pseudo worm Thread: Semperfli flat waxed 6/0

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Fish Wisp Bulk Head streamer fly tying tutorial

The perfect fly for hunting large fall brown trout and smallmouth bass. Great profile and huge water push make this one hard to pass up. Great fly for any river or lake but shines the brightest on the snake river systems.    Material List: Hook: Masu B1 Eyes: Large Lead Eyes Body: White fish wisp Wing: Lighting Lime Hyper Krinklezon Head: Composite loop of the following: Grey grizz frizz, predator wrap, and Krinklezon

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Propaganda Bass Streamer Fly Tying Tutorial

If you have targeted bass you have probably heard of the ned rig and how effective it can be for smallmouth and largemouth. The propaganda is our fly fishing solution to the ned rig. This bug punches fast and props up and gives you the same sweet action and presentation found in soft plastics. Material List: Hook: Masu Big Nymph Hook #6 Eyes: Large or XL lead barbells Body 1: Chocolate Hydro Hackle Body 2: Water Wick Chenille Brown Thread: Semperfli 6/0 waxed Resin: Loon Thick

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Beans and Frank worm fly tying tutorial | High water trout pattern

Spring time means high water and spawning fish. This worm helps cover all the bases in one sweet package. Larger worms get swept away in the higher run off flows and many trout and suckers spawn during these times and just about every fish in the system will take advantage of these protein packed snacks. Material List: Hook: MFC curved worm hook #6 Body: Bull Whip Leather Wire: Medium or large brass wire red Egg: Egg Noodle Yarn  

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Our Top Sucker Spawn Egg Patterns

Spring time means the suckers are stacking up and are in full spawn mode. Trout will follow pods of these fish to gorge themselves on their eggs as they are in most places the first big caloric intake of the season. New material and some of Larry's favorites to fish when the trout are on the egg hunt. Material List: (Same materials used for all patterns) Hook: Scud hook #14 Body: Egg Noodle Yarn Ice dub or solar flare Yellow  

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