Fly Tying Competition!

Lets see your bugs!  We have teamed up with Semperfli and put together a fun fly tying competition because we want to see all the amazing bug twisting going on out there! All the details are listed below. Now get tying!

Duration: Competition starts March 1st and runs until March 31st. Winners will be selected April 1st via Instagram live.

How to Enter: Post your flies to Instagram and tag both Snake river fly and Semperfli and that will enter your fly. There is no limit to how many bugs you can submit during the duration of the competition. 

Rules: Use at least two materials from Snake River Fly and Two materials from Semperfli. Also, make sure to follow both companies on Instagram. 

What you will win:

1st place:  $500. in Semper Fli materials

2nd place: $200 in Semper Fli materials

3rd place:  $100 in SRF materials


If you have any questions please reach out and we look forward to seeing all your amazing flies!

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